“N-Hunting” Comment Leaves New Reservist Job-Hunting

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Q: Can a new reservist be released only days after enlistment?

There are certain standards of conduct expected of all members of the military. When the service member falls short of those standards, they may be subject to a wide variety of disciplinary actions. The particular action taken and any consequences will depend upon the alleged transgression.

The more newsworthy military proceedings are generally court-martial defense cases which can range from less serious to the most serious criminal charges. Sentencing guidelines differ based on the type of court-martial but conviction for the most serious crimes could result in dishonorable discharge, confinement, forfeiture of pay, rank reduction, and even death.

Non-criminal conduct is governed by military administrative law, which can still lead to serious punishments and harm your military career for years to come.

Sometimes, a service member’s military career ends as a result of an involuntary administrative separation which is also known as an administrative discharge. Such a discharge can have official and unofficial repercussions that can cost the service member military benefits and bring a stigma that can negatively impact their ability to get a job or get into to college.

But what happens if the ink isn’t even dry on your reservist enlistment paperwork before you are involved in a controversy?

Just days after one woman enlisted, she allegedly was seen and/or heard in a viral social media video that repeatedly referred to the “N-word” and came to the attention of Air Force Reserve Command. The result? She is reportedly “in the process of being released from her enlistment” because the video is “intolerable and does not reflect the values of the Air Force”.

In the since-removed 15-second video, the brand-new enlistee was reportedly holding a beer, traveling down a dark country road in a pick-up with others who allegedly said they were going “n–hunting.” The enlistee later apologized, claimed she had been drinking, and denied being a racist. She was also reportedly immediately fired from her waitressing job over the offensive video. It was unclear if she had legal counsel.

If you are a service member facing involuntary administrative discharge or separation or any other military charges, you need a civilian military defense attorney by your side to defend you. Contact us today at Aviso Law, LLC for a free consultation.

From our offices in Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado, we represent service members in all branches, and all ranks, anywhere in the world.

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