Early intervention by a competent military lawyer can significantly alter the course and the outcome of your case.
If you might be facing a military court-martial, the time to secure an experienced attorney is now. Attorneys at our firm have years of experience defending service members facing the most serious allegations. With years of trial experience on high profile cases and experience aggressively fighting on behalf of clients in both the trial and appellate courts, we offer our clients facing courts-martial top-tier representation.
Military members are entitled to legal representation during appellate review. Our attorneys have experience litigating some of the most complex and high profile military appeals. Aggressively fighting on behalf of clients, our attorneys have the experience to formulate keen legal arguments to benefit clients. Contact us immediately if you are a member of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard and want to appeal your conviction.
If you are facing involuntary administrative discharge or separation, oftentimes you have the right to a hearing and representation by an attorney. Similarly, if you have already been discharged, it’s likely you can still appeal your discharge, the reason for the discharge, and your reenlistment eligibility.
Often, clear and promising strategies can be identified and planned during a brief first meeting between a service person facing an administrative action and an experienced attorney. To learn more about your options following a GOMOR, LOR or other administrative action, contact an administrative action attorney.
Being located in Colorado means we can easily get to any base in the United States, even those in Alaska and Hawaii, relatively quickly thanks to our central location and major airport in Denver. It also means we have more flight options when we need to quickly travel to assist a client in locations such as Germany, Italy, England, Spain, Korea, Japan, Philippians, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Honduras, Australia, or Saudi Arabia.
No matter where you are stationed or whether you serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, if you are, or believe you might be facing a military court-martial or military legal actions, you should secure an experienced attorney that will aggressively fight for you as soon as possible.
© 2019 Court Martial Law Division – A Division of Aviso Law LLC | Disclaimer
618 N Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | 2590 Walnut Street, Denver, CO 80205
Phone: 719.247.3111
Attorney website by
© 2019 Court Martial Law Division – A Division of Aviso Law LLC | Disclaimer
618 N Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | 2590 Walnut Street, Denver, CO 80205
Phone: 719.247.3111
Attorney website by