Military Larceny Attorney

Theft and fraud charges against American military personnel are common. Often, they result from one ill-advised error in judgment related to a theft of military property, stealing from the Base Exchange, stealing from other service members or even pawning military issued clothing and equipment.  Larceny and fraud changes frequently stem from a service member’s proximity to the billions of dollars’ worth of materials the military acquires each year. Just as often, the charges result from confusion surrounding benefit entitlements or conflicting information provided by the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS). Cases can even involve deliberate theft or the defrauding of a government department or agency.

When a serviceman or servicewoman faces larceny or fraud charges, a wise response is to hire an experienced private practice attorney who has a strong track record in defending against the charges. Unlike other charges, defending allegations of fraud and larceny require a detail oriented and experience military defense attorney who is able to sort through confusing regulations and complex financial records. It’s unlikely that an appointed attorney will have the time or experience defending these often complicated and complex charges.  Attorneys at our firm not only have years of experience fighting these types of charges, they also have the resources and time to go through your case with a fine tooth comb in order to mount the best defense possible.

Why hire a civilian military defense attorney to fight fraud and larceny charges?

  • Theft and fraud charges within the military are serious. Discharge from the military and jail time are both likely outcomes.
  • Despite cutbacks, the military has deep pockets. This means that it’s not at all uncommon for the military to assign two, three or even a half-dozen prosecutors to investigate and handle a case. These prosecutors will likely have access to numerous experts and investigators to build a strong case against you.
  • To mount an effective defense without a private practice attorney, you’ll need to rely on your assigned military defense counsel, who may already be overwhelmed with other responsibilities. You may also have to hire an independent investigator who will need to be approved by the government. Prosecutors can recommend that authorities deny the use and payment of experts.

Larceny and financial fraud charges leveled by a branch of the military are too serious to fight on an uneven battlefield. Level that battlefield with the assistance of an attorney from the Denver and Colorado Springs law firm of Aviso Law LLC. When you hire Aviso Law LLC, you hire the assistance of attorneys who:

  • Have served in nearly every military justice capacity, including the Army JAG Corps
  • Have litigated some of the nation’s highest profile military cases and have represented hundreds of service members
  • Have successfully defended larceny and fraud charges across the globe in places such as the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea and the Middle East.

Fighting criminal charges within the military can seem daunting and hopeless. We can help. Did your alleged crime involve the Internet? We can hire computer experts and often succeed in pressing the government to pay for their services. Have you already spoken to authorities? Many factors can affect the admissibility of provided statements. Do you feel the case against you is weak or non-existent? In many cases, we have been able to stop the legal process before it even starts.

When fighting your military larceny and fraud charges, it is important that your attorney be skilled in evaluating your case, handling pre-trial negotiations and litigating in military courts. By securing the facts, working to secure reduced or dismissed charges, and/or arguing for sentence protection and a lenient sentence at trial, your private practice military attorney can protect your full interests to ensure the best outcome.


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